The Drinks Business Magazine, 23rd April, 2015, by Patrick Schmitt "The model of sustainability represented by Sonoma’s Benziger Family Winery is largely the result of one man’s vision and contagious energy. As part of his desire to ensure a healthy legacy for future generations, Mike began converting the family estate to biodynamics in the mid-90s. Today the estate is a haven of biodiversity and offers a training ground for other producers to improve their environmental footprint, with Mike hosting an annual “Hot Topics” seminar to encourage sustainable practice in the vineyard. His commitment to this cause has extended to investment in transformative technology such as NDVI mapping, soil moisture probes and weather monitoring stations. Together these systems have enabled Benziger to address California’s severe water shortage by converting some of its vineyard blocks to dry farming. Since 2007 the producer has implemented a third-party certification programme that offers incentives for its growers to adopt sustainable practices. To-date this initiative covers around 4,000 acres across Sonoma County and offers a prime example of Mike’s determination to raise not just his own standards but those of the entire industry." To read the full article click here.